Sunday, February 28, 2010

The team's last shift.

Saturday was our last round of activities and working as a team. As I write this we has just said goodbye to Joe and DJ and I am preparing to leave. I will be spending a verrrryyyy long day and night in our nation’s airports. I am having trouble posting pictures today. I will post more later today. I think it will take a couple more posts as I remember the Olympic experience.Please remember “Shaggy” and Albert as they struggle on the streets of Vancouver. Sheri and her friend as they struggle with cancer (and the waiting list for treatment) There are others that escape me at the moment. I will recall them after some sleep.Joe I am so happy that you and D.J were able to come on mission to Vancouver. D.J. did an awesome job working and relating to the team and the people. I look forward to the opportunity to go on mission with both of them again. To the rest of the team what a great group of friends we have become in such a short time.