Today (Tues) we ended our shift at 12:30 and got the next to last train back to our neighborhood and then walked on Home We were pretty tired and were slow getting up to get this day going. Traveling back downtown, we continue to see opportunities to share with those the Lord has scheduled appointments with us. Vancouver is a beautiful city set in an amazingly beautiful setting. We would have enjoyed our walk about better if it had not been raining. A light, persistent cold rain, which they say is typical of winter here. Flowers are blooming that we will not see until late May in Tupper Lake!
We setup again at the train station, Our shift is 8:00pm -12:30 am) it was much slower tonight. We were able to visit our regulars from the night before. Then US Speed Skate, Shani Davis came by for a Hot Chocolate. We were so surprised that no one thought to take his picture. We visited with the bus drivers and security folks as well as other Olympic Volunteers that came through. Everyone is thrilled with an offer of “Free Hot Chocolate”. Those not in a rush to catch the next bus or train linger and chat with us. Our team prayed for several who asked us lift up their needs. Others take our New Testaments and Gospels. Our pins are also very popular, but to get one requires a visit so that we can share they meaning behind the symbols.
I had a great visit with a large group of Dutch. Their skater had broken the Olympic record and then been dq’d on a technicality. We talked about life in Europe, they were amazed to find someone who knew there region. It was a lot of fun. It was suddenly getting late for them when I began to ask them about faith and God. They took our pins, and some testimonies of the athletes before they left.
One young couple stopped and talked for a long time. They teach English in Korea. He is an anglo from Florida (and a believer). She is of Korean decent but is 4th generation born and raised in Vancouver. We talked a long time about spiritual matters and they left thinking on their relationship to Jesus as well as to one another. They will be returning to Korea soon to continue their work.
There were other conversations with those who are spiritual and some who were seeking answers, but they were reluctant to trust in Jesus.
Pray for these and others like them that they will come to Christ. Pray for the safety of the games, athletes, and the many volunteers who are ministering here.
And pray they will keep coming by for a “free Hot Chocolate”